noun: leader; plural noun: leaders
a leader is someone who “takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.”
"Only the smallest faction of mankind want freedom. All the rest want someone to tell them they are free"
- Irving Layton

I know you've met me already, and you know that I'm a whiz in the kitchen and on the dance floor. But, there's more to me that we haven't touched on yet, and that is that I am a leader. I'm a leader of women inspired to live soulful and real lives marred with falls, stumbles, mistakes and, of course, prevalence, reclamation and wins. And honey, I am very interested in creating deep and unified community in the online space, expressing myself creatively through my life and work (and therefore encouraging YOU to do that too), and freedom. That is, freedom from all the things that stop you living your life on fire and on purpose. Ahhh, NOW you know me. So, let's talk about the vehicle that helps me live this purpose and how it helps me (and many other women) live in true freedom (without being told, but actually just living it) ...
Doterra (the heart)
Once you know about the power of your oils, you'll be craving to learn more about the heart behind those beautiful little bottles in your hands; that is, the heart of doTERRA as a company.
doTERRA is the world leader in sourcing, testing, manufacturing, and distributing CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade - basically, the top dog of oils quality) essential oils through a global network of more than seven million customers.
doTERRA, the Latin derivative meaning “gift of the Earth,” sets the standard for essential oils by providing to its customers the most tested and most trusted oils and having developed the expertise and commitment required to derive these unique oils directly from the best sources in the world.
doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing provides local growers and distillers fair compensation for their efforts, creating stronger local economies and a healthier, stable supply chain. In addition to a premium line of single-plant extracts and proprietary essential oil blends, the company offers oil-infused personal care and spa products, dietary supplements and healthy living products for the home.
You can read all about our Healing Hands Foundation, our Co-Impact Sourcing model, and our epic oil standards at this website: www.sourcetoyou.com
Oil Street (the heart)
So, you're interested in partnering with me to enhance your life with essential oils? Awesome! Let's do this. So, now that you've met me, Jayne, I'd love to officially introduce you to my baby, Oil Street.
She's an absolute beauty, and she's founded on a few key principles that underpin and inform every decision we make.
What I really mean here, is unified independence. We come together in team to elevate ourselves and each other, so we can be empowered and courageous in our own lives.
To coax all of that potential out of you in the most loving, and gentle way. But don't mistake that for easy - we have fire and passion too!
Because sisterhood, togetherness and unity are fundamental to a full life.
So, please know that by partnering with Oil Street, you are saying a huge YES to these guiding principles as part of your personal ethos. You are only just getting to know Oil Street, so we hope you feel the full weight of the potent Earth Magic that will live in the palm of your hand and the depth of this sisterhood, honey.

Doterra& Oil Street
As you are surely aware, making the decision to start a business goes far beyond the juicy connection and sisterhood you will step into (although that is truly beautiful).
So, I want you to feel informed and aware of what you are saying YES to when it comes to what running a wellness business really looks like. So, let’s take a peek inside the mechanics;
You are saying yes to:
+ Being the CEO of your own business, and giving it the reverence, time, focus and respect any start-up business deserves in order to thrive
+ Teaching and educating your network about the power of essential oils through classes, 1-on-1’s, online, or however you wish to spread the word
+ Supporting your network once they are equipped with their essential oils to understand, utilise and maximise their new gifts of the earth
+ Leading and mentoring your network when they, too, want to launch a wellness business with doTERRA
+ Growing and developing your personal and business knowledge to become the best educator and leader possible
+ Being intentional and structured with your time, so you can honour your business with uninterrupted focus (we also understand that you will go as fast or slow as you desire, so whether that be 2 hours or 20 hours per week, it is at your discretion)
+ Being fierce in your pursuit for information. This means being resourceful. If you need something in order to thrive.
+ Placing a 100PV order each month - consider this your business overheads.
On a day to day basis, especially in the earlier ranks in this business, 90% of your work will be in teaching and presenting to your network, and becoming prolific at this.
You are given all the tools required to:
+ Expand your product knowledge
+ Understand the ranks and compensation plan
+ Learn how to sell like a pro in a way that is authentic to you and your messaging
+ Elevate your business in an explosive and sustainable way
Once you have committed to creating a wellness business with my guidance, you will have access to:
+ Our Oil Street Support Group, comprised of over 1k oil-lovin’ customers
+ The Oil Street Biz Squad facebook community, where a lot of our education and business growth occurs
+ Private voxer mentorship with me
+ Team calls for growth and strategic guidance
+ Oil Street business events
+ DoTERRA company events
+ Uncapped earning potential
+ Personal growth beyond your wildest dreams
+ A sisterhood so warm and welcoming, you’ll wonder what you ever did without them
(the mechanics)

Already part of Oil Street?
You already qualify to partner with me - YAY!
If you are feeling that heart-tug to build a business alongside me then lets connect HERE.
Not yet hooked up with doTERRA oils?
If you are yet to dive into the world’s best essential oils, then your beautiful, freedom filled business starts right here, love.
[ S T E P O N E ]
Select a kit over HERE (link to oils page).
In order for you to authentically share your experiences (and Oil St is ALLLLL about authentic sharing) then you’ll want to get your hands on these amber bottles STAT.
These kits are a great way to kick start your journey and they are both heavily reduced in cost to help you get started the most cost effective way possible.
To grab your kit just follow the steps below.
SIMPLY HEAD TO MY ONLINE STORE: www.mydoterra.com/jaynebartlett
[ S T E P T W O ]
Once you arrive at my online store, follow these instructions:
Click 'Join & Save'
Select Country & Language
Local Order
Wholesale Customer
Enter your personal information
Add an enrolment kit (Home Essentials Starter pack & nature's Solutions starter pack are the most popular)
Check out and I'll add you to our private support groups and connect with you personally.